Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries

Review #463 The only reason why I finished this is because I read it for a bookclub. I gave it a generous 3.5/5 stars. My favorite parts were Wendell’s charisma and I wanted more of him and Shadow. I also loved the reverse grumpy/sunshine pairing since that’s a favorite trope. There’s nothing “wrong” with theContinue reading “Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries”

A Study in Drowning

Review #460 A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid got a 4.25/5 stars for me. It disappointed me compared to the rating I thought I’d be giving. Written in one point of view, third person narrative, it follows the story of two young scholars away from university who are looking for the truth about aContinue reading “A Study in Drowning”

Ruthless Vows

Review #457 I give this one a 4.1/5 stars. I liked the first one better than this sequel. Ruthless Vows felt slower than the first, more focused on the war and gods and less romance. Overall this one felt less “finished” and I didn’t get the sufficient closure. SPOILERS in my notes: The prologue ofContinue reading “Ruthless Vows”

Divine Rivals

Review #456 “It helps to know someone is hearing me. Someone is reading what I pour onto a page.” Divine Rivals is the first of a duology. I give this (historical?) fantasy romance a 4.8/5 stars. It’s positively frustrating when an author makes writing look easy. The amount of steps and work it takes toContinue reading “Divine Rivals”

Featuring Samantha Renee

Welcome to The Continent of Myths… For centuries, the species of The Continent have coexisted, held together by the long established Council of Myths, made up of the five kings who rule its nations. Now, the oldest living being on Earth, The Original Vampire, has been found dead without an heir…or so they’ve been told.Continue reading “Featuring Samantha Renee”

Featuring Marissa Allen

Tropes: Found family, Friends to lovers, Slow burn, Revenge, Princess and Evil Stepmother Imprisoned and experimented on since she was twelve, Princess Genevieve “Vi” Astor is ready for revenge. After manipulating her way to the throne of Kabria, Queen Esmerelda caused the death of the king and kept Vi as a royal hostage. For sixContinue reading “Featuring Marissa Allen”

Featuring S.A. Heiden

Tropes: fae, reverse portal travel, ancient magic, forbidden love, secrets revealed What happens when a fae needs the help of a mortal? The unique timber of The Elderwood is the backbone of Lucy’s family legacy, and she always thought she’d follow in her brothers’ footsteps and join the family business. When an arranged marriage threatensContinue reading “Featuring S.A. Heiden”


Review #448 I bought Splintered by Howard because I love retellings. I give this one a 3.9/5 stars. Honestly, I was confused quite often. Written in one point of view, first person present tense, I enjoyed the use of strong action words throughout but sometimes it felt choppy. The chapter headings were unique and creativeContinue reading “Splintered”

DNF- When Women Were Dragons

This is a compilation of snippets of women’s lives as mothers, wives, daughters, and abuse and or anger.  I’m not a huge fan of novels starting out when the character is a child since I’m assuming it’ll cover a broad spectrum of time/go slowly.  I’m also not thrilled that physical abuse was brought up inContinue reading “DNF- When Women Were Dragons”

DNF- The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep

With Sherlock Holmes vibes, the “Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep” by H.G, Parry was odd and intriguing but I didn’t finish it. I don’t often read stories with male only leads.  The writing style wasn’t what I’m used to and it felt a bit wordy and heavy. In the first chapter, two brothers, not alwaysContinue reading “DNF- The Unlikely Escape of Uriah Heep”